Nikita Gorojanov
Civic Emellishment
The premise of this project is to compile a series of possible partial building reconstruction for post-war soviet era multi-family housing. The leading theory behind this is to not only create a more welcome living space with modern amenities, better living conditions, and increase life cycle, but to also provoke a series of designs that take inspiration from Soviet brutalist architecture and adds provocative design into a historical city. This project takes on two roles. Firstly, it recreates the current site of four buildings and produces three stages to reconstruct the site. Secondly, it produces precedent to create a universal program that can target complexes or single buildings throughout the country.
Render - Building A
Render - Worm’s Eye Building A
Render - Overall Scene
Render - Building B
Drawing - Upper Level floor plan
Render - Section
Render - Landscaping Highlights